Monday, June 2, 2008

Nike Rolinho Clube Futsal Ball

For xBiz Futsal Tournament kali ke-2 ane, we will b using Nike Rolinho Clube Futsal ball. Yesterday i bought 3 balls from Gills Sports, Thnx to them for giving me d best price and for supporting xBiz Futsal 2008(they helped us to distribute d futsal form). Hopefully diz tournament nda g elang bola futsal ane lyk our previous tournament..

Introducing the Nike Rolinho Principal Parquet, a high-quality Futsal ball from Nike with superior features!

· Geo balanced technology for truer flight.

· Laminated, ultra-soft, smooth casing for consistent touch on smooth surfaces.

· Low-rebound, foam-filled bladder tuned for enhanced control on wood floors and other hard / indoor surfaces.

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