Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Sorry for lack of updates..Last week BECG me and my partner Aniff crowned d Tag Team Champion for the Pro Evo Soccer 2008 which was held at d ICC in conjunction with the Baiduri Expo after beating Yusra & Efra(lads from KB) 7-6..

Anif/Yus’s road to victory in Tag Team division

5-2 Azri/Amri (Gokils)
3-0 Amzi/Adri
8-2 Maidi/Duan
6-3 Ozzy/Jamal
6-3 Fuad/Khalid (Semi-finals)
7-6 Yusra/Efra (Finals)

I also would like to congrates Aniff for winning the World Cup category after beating Tamimi in the Final.. As for me in d World Cup category i was beaten by Tamimi in Quarterfinals through Penalty after the games ended 4-4..
Tag Team Champion Aniff & Yus

Participants & Pierre Imhof

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